Assure Network Press Release Service

Assure Network Press Release Service

100% Delivery guaranteed! Say Goodbye to Scammers and Substandard Suppliers


With the Assure Network, you can trust that we can deliver on all of your PR needs.

We have various packages to fit your budget and exposure goals. If you need help creating the content, editorial support or SEO optimization, we can help you with that as well.


Introduction Plan $999

Get featured in crypto and finance focused sites including:

Yahoo Finance, Morning Star, Benzinga, Coin Press and 200+ more!

Enhanced Exposure Plan $2,499

Extend your reach into some of the largest news sites including:

Bloomberg, CoinMarketCap, Binance, and 450+ Sites!

Premium Sites with Bespoke Pricing

We offer the ability to publish in the biggest sites including:

Coindesk, Cointelegraph, and The Block.

Multiple Article Discounts:

If your project is on the fast track to success, we offer multiple article discounts, and monthly engagement rates.