Pre Written Medium Article Draft

Pre Written Medium Article Draft

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HAVOC Is Now KYC ASSURED✨✅™️ by Assure DeFi™️.


We are proud & excited to announce that HAVOC has now been APPROVED and has completed the KYC verification process with The Verification Gold Standard™️, Assure DeFi™️.

You can view our compliance NFT here:


We are committed to holding our leadership accountable for the sake of our investors and we believe this to be a strong positive step for our community.  The following team members have completed the verification process:

Role Primary Social Media Handle

Owner Telegram: @havoc_rip1

We aim to build community trust and confidence in the project & are proud to deliver this next step in the evolution of HAVOC!

Assure DeFi offers one the most robust and highly differentiated KYC verification services for projects in the crypto space and this is why we chose them to work with us.  The processes that they have pioneered as the industry-leader to provide an accountability path for scammers is ground-breaking, the depth of the verification is world-class and we fully support initiatives such as this to rid the space of bad actors.  We’re thrilled to have a platform that has allowed our team to gain additional credibility & differentiate HAVOC amongst other project leaders who are not as willing to hold themselves accountable. We hope our community is as excited as we are to announce to the world that the project is now officially KYC ASSURED✨✅™️!

Learn more about Assure’s KYC verification below:

For more information about Assure DeFi, our KYC verification provider, visit the following links:


💻 Website

𓅃 Twitter

